On noncompliance with the code

On noncompliance with the code

Adherence to the rules and guidelines set forth in this Code is mandatory. Noncompliance with any of the requirements stipulated in this Code, the law, and our internal rules will result in the application of disciplinary measures and penalties.

Suspected violations of this Code will be thoroughly analyzed and penalties will be proportional to the committed offense. Possible infractions may be subject to the following penalties:

  • Verbal warning
  • Written warning
  • Suspension
  • Termination (with or without just cause)
  • Initiation of administrative, civil, or criminal proceedings

All third parties, of any kind, who have confirmed violations of the SSA Group Code of Ethics and Conduct will be subject to termination of their relationship with the company as well as any other reparative and legal measures under the terms of applicable laws and regulations.