Customers and Consumers

Customers and Consumers

Food Quality and Safety

At São Salvador Alimentos, our customer service process is carried out with the highest technology, always attentive to government certifications and regulations, focusing on what the customer needs, and meeting all food safety and sanitation standards. After all, our end consumer is the most important aspect of our business.

We operate in accordance with all quality standards required by MAPA and foreign markets, through biosafety measures, self-control procedures, and laboratory analyses. We also adopt the principles and guidelines of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) program and the sanitary-hygienic measures of the Food Safety Policy, the Good Manufacturing Practices Manual, and the Contingency Plan.

These criteria not only govern the work we carry out in the Training, Events, and Internal Audits areas but also inspire the creation of the pillars that guide our performance in the production chain so that we can fulfill our mission of delivering safe and high-quality food to our consumers.

In this sense, various self-control programs related to the maintenance of facilities, equipment, lighting, sanitary barriers, ventilation, water supply, pre-operational and operational hygiene, animal welfare, among others, are verified. Process critical control points based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) are also verified, and the entire production process and products are evaluated through laboratory analyses according to the specifications of each product.

To ensure correct compliance with procedures, employees are trained by quality supervisors. The topics covered include Microbiology, HACCP Principles, Good Manufacturing Practices, Standard Operational Hygiene Procedures, Operational Sanitary Procedures, and the Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Collective Protection Equipment (CPE).

All verified procedures are recorded in spreadsheets, and non-conformities detected are addressed with corrective and preventive actions, and these documents are archived in the Quality Assurance department. The verifications aim to reduce the internal non-conformity rate and improve the production process. The Quality Assurance team, which is responsible for product safety, is composed of 69 employees, divided into three shifts, and covers all procedures carried out in food production. The Federal Inspection Service (SIF) team, responsible for monitoring and verifying processes and products, is composed of 166 employees.

We are audited by regulatory agencies in our sector: the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply (MAPA), the Official Veterinary Services (SVOs) of each state, and the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). Our Slaughter Units are ensured by the Federal Inspection Service (SIF), linked to the Department of Inspection of Animal Origin Products (DIPOA) of MAPA. The Itaberaí (GO) plant also receives missions from countries and is audited by customers, following international certification standards such as the International Food Standard (IFS).

All of our products comply with the labeling regulations of the markets for which we are authorized. Among the information included on our packaging, the following are highlighted: the symbol of the UN Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project; the Halal seal, which certifies that the products were produced according to Islamic standards; a nutritional table with all the nutritional information of the products (energy value, fats, cholesterol, proteins, sodium, carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins, and minerals); information on allergens; and information about products produced without the use of hormones. The labels also include instructions for safe and healthy consumption of the product, such as storage temperature conditions, production date, expiration date, lot, domestic conservation and food preparation.