Privacy Policy

We provide information here about how we collect and use our customers’ personal data when they access our website. São Salvador Alimentos will never sell its customers’ data or allow third parties to access their data without proper authorization, as clarified in this policy.

Who we are?

We are São Salvador Alimentos, registered under CNPJ number 03.387.396/0001-60, a Brazilian multinational company headquartered in Itaberaí – GO, Rod. GO-156, km 0, Zona Rural, Itaberaí – GO, CEP 76.630-000.

The trademarks “SUPERFRANGO” and “BOUA” and others related to the products and services referred to on our website are registered trademarks of SSA.

How do we collect your data?

Your information is collected through physical and digital means. Digitally, SSA collects data through the contact form on its official website, as well as accesses this type of information when there is a selection process for hiring, for example, when it is necessary to analyze resumes.

Physically, SSA collects personal data through various administrative documents, such as the employment contract, service contract, etc.

In both of the aforementioned cases, SSA complies with the minimum collection requirements by analyzing the necessity and proportionality of the requested data. Additionally, the data processing carried out by SSA will always be based on at least one of the legal bases required by LGPD (Art. 7 of LGPD).

It is also worth noting that SSA’s website may use cookies to improve the user experience. Such processing will be specified in the Cookie Policy.

How do we store and when do we delete your data?

SSA prefers to store digital information on local servers or cloud servers (online). The data is completely secure and protected by robust technical and administrative security mechanisms, which are commonly adopted by the market. We take the necessary precautions to prevent the loss and leakage of your data.

We end the data processing in accordance with explicit rules set out in LGPD.

Who else has access to your data?

In addition to São Salvador Alimentos and other companies within its economic group, to the extent necessary to achieve the specific purposes of our website mentioned above, the following companies will have access to your data when you browse our website:

An advertising and digital solutions company that operates and manages our website under our instructions.

Customer relationship management platforms through which we manage interactions with our users.

What are my rights regarding the collection and use of my data?

During the processing, treatment, and storage of the information of the data subjects, it will be the responsibility of the data subject to:

  • keep the information updated;
  • inform about any necessary modifications;
  • request changes when necessary.

It will be the responsibility of the data controller to:

  • maintain and ensure the security of the information;
  • make necessary changes whenever necessary;
  • inform data subjects about any incidents that occur.

What is the retention period for personal data?

The personal data of the data subject will be kept for the legal period allowed or for as long as the contractual relationship between the SSA and the data subject persists, except if the Data Subject requests the deletion of their Personal Data processed with their Consent, subject to legal and regulatory situations that authorize the SSA to keep such data, for example:

  • for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation by the SSA;
  • any other actions or needs that prevent the SSA from removing the information;

How may our privacy practices change?

Our policies and practices regarding privacy and data protection are constantly reviewed and updated to comply with the highest national and international standards, and may be changed at any time.

To provide greater security to data subjects, this Policy is subject to a continuous process of review and improvement.

Any updates will take effect from the date of publication and will be disclosed through appropriate means.

How to contact us?

If after reading this Policy, the data subject has any questions or needs to communicate with SSA regarding any matters involving the processing of their personal data, they can contact us and the Data Protection Officer (Every Cybersecurity and GRC Solutions) at any time via email at or at the address below:

Rod. GO-156, km 0, Zona Rural
Itaberaí – GO
CEP: 76.630-000

SSA is committed to responding to requests as quickly as possible. Requests regarding the processing of personal data will be answered within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of the request. In addition, in the case of information security incidents that pose a high risk to data subjects, they will be notified through official communication channels.